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MASTER HAIR designer

1964 Became licensed hairdresser in Ohio

1978 Opened California Concept salon in Ft Collins, CO

1975 Founded California Concept Salon in Dayton, Ohio

1985 Founded The Rage Salon in Ft Collins

1984 Opened 2nd California Concept in Ft Collins, CO

1987 Founded The Total Image salon in Ft Collins

1992 Founded State of the Art salon in Ft Collins

2001 Founded Headturner's Salon in Ft Collins

I love doing hair. It's not only how I make my living, it's a huge part of who I am. I've been cutting hair for over 50 years,

and I'm still loving it.

Larry G. Baker

Speaker. Teacher. SALON Owner. Hair Designer.
"I've been around the hair biz ever since I was a boy sweeping the floor of my dad's barber shop over 60 years ago..."
Offering services in state-of-the-art haircuts, eduction in salon marketing and visibility, and individual, as well as salon, classes in hair cutting and client relationships.
Master of Hair
Larry G. Baker


For over 50 years I've watched styles come and go. After starting, designing, owning and managing 7 salons and training over 100 stylists I've learned there are certain keys to success that never change. Before I lay down my shears, I want to share with you the things I've learned that separate "the good ones" from "the great ones."

I am currently developing a network with hair salons in smaller communities around the country. 

I want to build a relationship with salons, teaching timeless techniques in building clientele to your stylists. They will be learning the 2 Magic Rs and 2  Keys that they must know to be fully booked. Our ultimate goal is for your salon to be not only profitable, but highly respected and known as one of the top salons in your area. I am excited to share what I've learned with you.

My Experience

My goal for you as my client is to partner with you to find your very best style. One that not only looks good when you leave your salon appointment, but more importantly, something that you can style and make look great every day.

We achieve this by in depth communication during our initial consultation. I want to find out what you have in mind, and give you my input as well, so together we come up with a great result. I desire to give each of my clients the best haircut and style that they have ever experienced.


HeadTurner's Salon
600 South Mason Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
For appointments call 970-493-7073
Across from Avogadro's, Next to The Mayor
My Salon
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